Need to temporarily access my ISP in the clear
I have a working pfsense 2.6 install on an I5 intel older PC
Believe it or not I can get 100Mbps symmetrical speed over an openvpn client to IPVanishThe problem is when I need to access my ISP in the clear occasionally
By simply stopping the OpenVPN service on pfsense there is no access to internet.
Is it a major reconfig of pfsense to have this clear access to my ISP?Currently I am just moving a PC over to a little nat router attached to the same IPS equipment
I recall when adding the openvpn client I initially had to setup some firewal rules and other pfsense changes to get the vpn link up.Dave S
@davefrompeg Least painful is have a different interface/network that allows you to access without the routing/filtering. Either use a switch with VLAN capabilities or have multiple NICs in your pfSense.
@rcoleman-netgate Thanks for that
@davefrompeg Another option is to policy route certain IPs out the default gateway. Then to bypass the tunnel you have 2 options:
Set your PC to one of those IPs when needed
Configure the rule with your PC's existing IP and enable the rule on demand as needed
NetSetMan let you change fast the IP of your PC to swap fast over into another subnet or network. Perhaps it will be supporting one or more of the other given tips and hints related to that problem.