DONT restart openvpn server after changing settings
we want to avoid automaticly restart openvpn server on our pfsense machine when we change some settings (like "push route ...." in Custom options).
We want to schedule a restart of the openvpnserver during night. Thats not the Problem.
So how can we avoid a restart? ;)
Easy : and I'll excuse upfront for the answer : set an alarm on whenever is "during night" and then do whatever you need to do.
There is no such thing as "pre set" a setting, and have it taken in account at a pre determined (date) time.A openvpn server restart will disconnect all the connected users, I get it.
If you 'really' need this possibility, there is only one solution :
As the GUI handles everything that is 'settings' and 'functionality start' and 'functionality start' the good old "script it yourself" will work just fine ( open source means also IMHO : do what you want with your copy).
The good news or the bad news - whatever applies to you : it's just PHP.