VPN access to a LAN interface
I have a LAN type interface called VMSphere which acts as my network for virtual machines that run on a VMware Vsphere environment. My question is:
How do I configure them on a pfSense 2100 so that they all use an OpenVPN connection? Do I need a OpenVPN server or Client? Do I need to create a bridge interface? Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
@nickyw Not sure I understand, how is the VPN involved? The 2100 connects out to a server somewhere else?
@SteveITS Yes, that is correct. The 2100 makes a VPN connection to an AirVPN.org OpenVPN server
This web page describes what I want to do:
https://nguvu.org/pfsense/pfsense-baseline-setup/#Introduction -
@nickyw the section “Create pass approved internet bound traffic out the VPN gateway” has the rule to send traffic out the VPN gateway. It’s policy routing: https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/multiwan/policy-route.html