squid (no squid guard); max entries in blacklist
i'm testing blacklist in squid via gui (squidguard already tested) and in blacklist i've paste 130000 domain ; after saving all no problem appear ... but when i test blocked domain present in black list browser go in timeout ! with 10000 domains inserted in squid blacklist no problem. In squidguard 130000 domains in blacklist has blocked fine without problem.
In squid blacklist there is 1 domain evry each line. I have tried to contact netgate support but they replyme "there isn't support for packages". By my self i attempted to modify table entries in firewall advanced features, cache and any related option in squid without any result.
Someone can "light me" the way ?
thanks to all -
@Cabrinisamuele can you provide a screen shot of how you added them into Squidguard, and Squid ACL area?
Are you are attempting to block or approve domains/urls in Squid? Are you using SSL intercept or transparent mode? Do you have cache enabled? Browser in timeout means the URL is blocked. Did you mean the problem is when you attempt approved traffic it times out? Finally, why are you using both? Example: I use Squidguard to manage my blocks sites that I want no access to for Squid behalf. What is your end goal? Is it to block those URLs? Squidguard itself changes the Squid conf file and add the blocks or approve lists, so with Squidguard already running those domains are already included in Squids config in the background.