Squid outbound MULTI WAN
I was wondering if someone could shed some light on the issue im having,
Currently i have working squid with squidguard, but because we have multi WAN it sometimes goes to the external IP i dont need
So i this is what i have on Custom Options (Before Auth)auth_param negotiate program /usr/local/libexec/squid/negotiate_kerberos_auth -r -d -k /usr/local/etc/squid/squidproxy.keytab auth_param negotiate children 1000 auth_param negotiate keep_alive on http_access allow auth acl LAN1 src tcp_outgoing_address 181.57..xx.xx LAN1
for some reason i cant seem to get the go to the 181.57.xx wan IP
or not sure whats the correct way when having multi WAN?
Thank you