tunnel is up but cannot route traffic from client to remote client
Hi all,
I'm getting a huge headache for a problem that i didn't expect . I try to describe it:
i have a pfsense virtual appliance (MYPFSENSE) and i used a working ovpn configuration file to connect it as client to another pfsense (SERVERPFSENSE) ( and i have no kind of control of it ).
I used the "openvpn-client-import" package to import it: it worked very well and in status->openvpn i can get a "client istance statistics" green marked.. it's also reporting bytes sent and received! So far so good.The imported ovpn file containt no-pool option and a set of specific ip. to be sure that these ips get correctly parsed, i controlled in diagnostics/routes..and I can see all the ips there, correctly configured!
Further, from my pfsense bash, i tried to ping and traceroute one of this ip and it respond to ping fastly, very stable, all seems so normale here.
Later, i moved the test on my machine, client in lan interface pf the pfsense. Ping the previously working ip here, i get a request timeout. also traceroute from my machine show me that packet get sent to lan interface of my pfsense, but later i get a huge series of stars ... it seem's not routed to the correct path.
I'm a seasoned user, but this time I need a hand becasuse i can't get it out!
Thanks in advance for the help, community!
I assume, that the pfSene is the default gateway on the client?Is the OpenVPN client connected properly?
Can you ping the remote IPs from pfSense itself?
I assume, that the pfSene is the default gateway on the client?
yes, the client is my machine, and it's located in the LAN subnet to MYPFSENSE
Is the OpenVPN client connected properly?
In status->openvpn i can get a report about the connection to the remote PFSENSE and its status is connected, with packets that flows going and back.
Can you ping the remote IPs from pfSense itself?
Yes, from pfsense bash i can ping remote pfsense and also all the single IPs in the remote subnet
Possibly the remote site blocks access from your LAN.If so you can masquerade the packets with the pfSense IP by adding an oubound NAT rule to the VPN interface.
@viragomann you rock man! I thank you to pointing me to the solution! it's working as expected now!