VPN is a tad slower after upgrading from 2.6.0 to 2.7.0
I recently upgraded pfSense from 2.6.0 to 2.7.0. This is the most efficient upgrade I have ever experienced because I always had bad outcomes with past upgrades. The upgrade took less than five mins to complete. Kudos to Netgate!
The system appears to be more stable after upgrading to the latest version. For instance, NordVPN now automatically restarts after going down without human intervention. Prior to 2.7.0, I had to manually refresh openvpn when it went down. However, I'm paying a small price for this stability in terms of internet bandwidth.
I used to average over 200 Mbps. Now, I'm averaging just150 Mbps after upgrading to 2.7.0. My comcast average bandwidth without the VPN is over 400 Mbps. I'm aware that VPN significantly reduces bandwidth. Has anyone else with a VPN seen an internet bandwidth reduction after upgrading to pfSense 2.7.0?
Is there something I need to tweak? This is not a fresh install. It was installed on top of 2.6.0. Do you think a fresh install would resolve this little issue? As always, your help is much appreciated...
Install from 2.6 (zfs) and upgrade to 2.7 (zfs) is good in my eyes
Install 2.7 (zfs) may be the best option for you -
@Ghost-0 The "x factor" in this scenario is the other end of the VPN, if you don't control both ends. I believe OpenVPN uses only one CPU core. If a core in your router isn't being maxed out, then it's likely pfSense is not the bottleneck.
ZFS is in general better than UFS but it's the file system so is unlikely to help with VPN throughput.