OpenVPN server crashes when client closes connection
I have a OpenVPN server running on interface WAN2 which has a single OpenVPN client connecting to it.
After the upgrade to PfSense 2.7.0
the OpenVPN server crashes with error "pid 52477 (openvpn), jid 0, uid 0: exited on signal 8 (core dumped)"
every time the client closes the OpenVPN connection.
The same configuration worked without issue on PfSense 2.6.0I reported this as a bug: the issue was rejected almost instantaneously with a standard reply:
This site is not for support or diagnostic discussion.
For assistance in solving problems, please post on the Netgate Forum .
If an actionable bug can be identified, then this can be reopened (or a new issue created) with more accurate details.
See Reporting Issues with pfSense Software for more information.Are bug reports always treated like this?
What did I do wrong ? I tried to provide as much information to reproduce the issue as I thought necessary.Has anybody else the same issue?
I moved the OpenVPN server from WAN2 Interface to Localhost but this did not help. The server still crashes every time the client closes the connection.
@flu said in OpenVPN server crashes when client closes connection:
I saw what I consider a bug, or the reason, in your bug description. You've created the situation yourself.
No one can re create it for you.
To discover it, you have to read the usage conditions of OpenVPN ( are using OpenVPN "server" on the pfSense side.
And some arm based OpenVPN client "version 2.3.4" from 2017 !?!?
With and OpenSSL library even older, 2016.OpenVPN server and client version don't need t be identical, but, as they stated on the OpenVPN web site : recent 2.5.x OpenVPN version won't work with really ancient OpenVPN clients and vise versa.
So, I don't know what you are using as a client device, but you surely understand that if you upgrade/update client/sever software on one side, the other server/client side of things needs also to be upgraded.
You wants to see details about why the OpenVPN server dies ?
All you need to do asking (your pfSense) for it.
(I'm always asking for it, as I can't come over and do in for you )Here :
select a higher verbosity level.
Be aware : this will produce a lot of extra log lines.
The moment the process dies (core dumps) will be more visible.But again : I'm sure that OpenVPN policy usage rules will tell you : don't do that.
@Gertjan Thanks for the hint about changing the verbosity level. Didn't know that feature yet.
I will try and see what the log files can tell me. -
@Gertjan said in OpenVPN server crashes when client closes connection:
OpenVPN server and client version don't need t be identical, but, as they stated on the OpenVPN web site : recent 2.5.x OpenVPN version won't work with really ancient OpenVPN clients and vise versa.
That's a valid point to consider this not a bug.