Site-to-Site Not Working
Hey guys, trying to setup a TLS site to site between my box (23.05.1) and my parents (2.6.0). followed the instructions and the VPN says that it is up but I cannot ping between firewalls. Says that there are a few mb's transferred on the VPN, so not sure why i cannot ping between. Could the existing Wireguard peer to peer be interfering with it? Any help would be appreciated.
was able to reboot both machines, now i can ping from the client router to my system (server). I cannot ping from my router (server) to the client router. must be something simple.
was able to get this going.. the one part that i missed was in the Client Specific Overrides on the server side. I didn't realize that the entry had to be named the exact name of the client certificate, not just a random name. Soon as i re-read that and changed, everything worked as it was supposed to. Hopefully this helps someone in the future.