Option for IMG file for Hard disks images
Is it possible to have IMG files for hard drive installs (not only for embedded)? This way, we can have an option to just use dd for Windows or Linux the IMG file onto USB drives or any type of drive. Just a thought.
With all due respect, I think this would be a bad idea. For nanobsd, there's already 4 different sizes to accommodate at least four different sized CF cards. Think about how many spinning disk drive sizes exist out there. It would be too much work.
Consider this: The "extra" time it takes to do a full install on a disk is worth it because you can install as many packages are you want! ;)
In pfSense 1.2.3 if you do the quick install it is very fast. Much faster than bothering with unhooking drives.
In this test I did, the Quick Install took 1 minute and 30 seconds to boot and install:
You can't get much better than that.
I really don't see this as a major issue. I you create a standard image of say 20 GB with Ghost and serveral other disk imaging products that is going to shrink down quite a bite. We as a group just need to pick a standard and stick to it.
I really don't see this as a major issue. I you create a standard image of say 20 GB with Ghost and serveral other disk imaging products that is going to shrink down quite a bite. We as a group just need to pick a standard and stick to it.
Or you could do a Quick Install and then copy your own image.