Cannot Ping or connect network drive via VPN
Iam a newbe in VPN and PFSense ... i tryed to use it at home. I want to connect the network dive from my home pc (Win10) via VPN.
WAN: Fix Ip Adress and Gateway is my modem ... UDP 1194 Port forwarding is in the modem configured
LAN: Fix Ip Adress and dhcp server
VPN Server, tunnel, intern lan ... standard with wizard.I can connect external with OpenVPN and i can make a Remote Desktop connection... but no Ping and no Network Drive connection is working.
PLease help. Thanks!
@Blub646 said in Cannot Ping or connect network drive via VPN:
I can connect external with OpenVPN and i can make a Remote Desktop connection... but no Ping and no Network Drive connection is working.
Is the RDP and ping going to the same device?
Did you try with the IP address of the destination device?
Consider that PCs are blocking access from outside of their LAN by their own firewall by default.
@viragomann yes ... the rdp and ping goes to the same device, ... now i tryed to ping the printer and it go!!!! Thanks for this hint! --> so it must be the Win10 ... althoug the kaspersky is deactivated and i dont know who is blocking.
Check the Windows firewall. As said, by default it is blocking access from outside.If the VPN is for your private purposes only, you could also masquerade the traffic on pfSense, so that the destination devices see the internal pfSense IP as source.
@viragomann Thanks for your help ... it work! The problem was, that Kaspersky blocked it. after disable kaspersky it also blocked it... i had to go to the firewall port settings and allow it manual. Only deaktivating Kaspersky its not working!