XMLRPC not syncing pfBlockerNG
Hello; i have recently noticed that the XMLRPC agent not syncing pfBlockerNG serttings anymore. I am currently on 23.05.1 pfsense+ and all other xmlrpc settings sync over just fine. Would anyone have any tips on this? Thank you
@iptvcld This is a known issue that should have been solved with a super recent update to pfB, BUT I don't think that update is working.
Under this github post the typo was supposed to have been changed, but in my HA environment it doesn't seem to be working. I'm still investigating.
@BBcan177 any ideas here? I have an HA setup with this update applied and have validated that it shows "pfblockerngsync" instead of "pfblockerngsyncd" but I'm still getting errors and things don't see to sync.