Getting private/local IP on WAN
I use TP-LINK VR600 instead of my ISP provided router, it supports bridge mode.
My country uses PPPoE & VDSL over a copper telephone wire. Annex
The IP range on the router is and on pfsense LAN. But WAN keeps getting when set to DHCP.
Tried resetting pfsense and the router and having pfsense the only device plugged in to the router but same result. It just changed to
Not behind a CG-NAT, I checked that too.
I tried having the router in bridge mode (basically adding another WAN interface and having it in bridge mode) and removed the PPPoE WAN interface. Changed WAN type in pfsense to PPPoE and added my line details, but it times out trying to connect to PPPoE and keep retrying.
Any help? I know it'll work with double NAT but it not optimal.
Thanks in advance
@aelakkad said in Getting private/local IP on WAN:
But WAN keeps getting when set to DHCP.
Have you talked to your ISP about this? If you get that address with DHCP, then there's a DHCP server somewhere providing it.
@JKnott I tried disabling the DHCP server on the router too. The thing is when in PPPoE mode the router (VR600) gets a normal public IP. I tried talking to them but they weren't of any help.
I would expect to a device like that set in bridge mode to bridge the PPPoE connection requiring pfSense to do it.
It may need a VLAN if the router doesn't apply it in bridge mode.
@stephenw10 the router has the ability to apply a VLAN to the bridge interface but I don't know which number to pick. It does support PPP pass through and its turned one. What I don't understand is that if I set it to bridge mode I have to set the PPPoE details in pfsense itself right? it basically acts as a modem only right? it just waits for something to initiate a PPPoE connection right?
Yes pfSense should be configured for PPPoE, it does the ppp session.
Can you see what VLAN (if any) the router uses when it isn't in bridge mode?
If not you can probably just Google it for your ISP to find out which VLAN to use.
@stephenw10 it was set to N/A for VID for the PPPoE (which my guess is basically VID 1 as far as I know, I tried setting the bridge to 1 but it times out too)
VLAN1 is not the same as no VLAN. If that's correct it doesn't require a VLAN.
Does the ISP have any documentation for 3rd party routers?
@stephenw10 trying it now without vlan ID, only bridge MODE and trying to set pppoe in pfsense with same ISP details that were used on the router before pfsense. Getting "PPPoE connection timeout after 9 seconds" and keeps trying to reconnect endlessly.
No they don't provide any docs, they are basically clueless customers service reps.
@stephenw10 also I tested plugging in the router directly to my windows PC (it didn't get IP, I disabled DHCP in the VR600 while it's in bridge mode) and I went and created a new connection from settings and just used the username and password of my PPPoE connection that I used on the router and it worked. PPPoE connection succeeded. Now I'm trying to figure out why it'd work on windows and not in pfsense, using the same exact details.
How are you creating the connection in pfSense? Is it using the correct NIC?
@stephenw10 yes I have a PCI quad port intel NIC (igb0,igb1,igb2,igb3 and pfsense can see all the interfaces correctly, along with the on board realtek (rel0) and I tried testing with the onboard one but same result. The assignments have PPPoE on igb0 and the cable from port 1 from the router is connected to it and also in PPPs configuration is correct. The PPPoE connection working on windows means the bridge mode is actually working correctly right? and the problem is with pfsense?
Yes, that's what I would think. If you can establish a PPPoE connection from Windows it should work from pfSense.
You may need to power cycle the modem if it's locked to the MAC address. That's unusual for PPPoE connections but can happen.
@stephenw10 yea I tried that too
, and I even tried the mac address spoofing (took the mac address of the router and added it to the WAN config) and it didn't work too.
If you spoof the MAC if should be the MAC of the Windows device. You can't use the MAC of the router as that is still in the link.
@stephenw10 I mean without using a windows device, just the cable between the router (in bridge mode) and the pfsense wan port I tried spoofing the mac of the router so that PPPoeE connection thinks its the same device but anyway I tried without spoofing too, same result. Do you think I should some how increase the timeout limit? even on the router itself and when testing dial up with windows it takes more than 10 seconds to get a connection.
Hmm, I really expect to see something even if it's a failure. The PPP logs you're seeing means nothing it coming back. Or at least it's not seeing it.
It behaves identically on re0 as any of the igb NICs?Try running a pcap on the parent NIC and see if it shows anything at all coming back from the modem or ISP.
its not returning anything. I didn't try pcap on re0 but the same thing was happening only time outs. What does this mean? I really appreciate your help, Steve.
@stephenw10 I also tried it on the same interface but chose the unassigned one and it gave this
Yeah the pcap needs to be on the PPPoE parent interface not the PPPoE itself. So on re0 or igb0 etc.
You won't see anything over the PPPoE until it connects.