Errors when updating
@SteveITS Thanks, expected the same, but this is from 09/11/23. it has been some days sinse then, but still the same.
Can I see from whitch lists theese errors are (without disabeling them one by one)?
Anything I can do at my end?Thanks,
Ase -
Hi Ase!
@Aseknet similar issue here. I'm not sure which feed the text is from. Did you find a solution?
Assembling DNSBL database...... completed [ 10/7/23 00:15:18 ] TLD: Blocking full TLD/Sub-Domain(s)... || completed TLD analysis. Debug: Missing TLD: local-data: "beeg.globa0.0.0.0 60 IN A" . Debug: Missing TLD: local-data: "momandsons0.0.0.0 60 IN A" completed [ 10/7/23 00:15:30 ]
Ase -
The errors are in file GamblingPorn.txt at lines 54037 and 12364. I missed these on my first search and just noticed that the pfsense editor only loads the 10000 lines.
I am not sure how to either to report the source file errors to or how to just load a local edited copy.
I opened issue 2478 on
Ase -
To fix this temporarily:
- go into firewall -> pfblockerng -> dnsbl -> dnsbl groups
- edit button for stevenBlackLists, set his list to "hold"
- putty into pfsense
- cd /var/db/pfblockerng/dnsblorig
- edit file GamblingPorn.orig and either fix or delete the two problem lines, write, exit
- reload dnsbl
@garyn , Thanks!
@Aseknet - they have fixed the list's sources. I just tested a full reload.
@garyn, Worked fine for me as well when updating, Thanks!
@Aseknet do you mind if I can ask a question regarding the update from 2.6.0 to 2.7.0 ?
Do you have multiwan environment ? If yes did everything went well with your upgrade ?
If not then do you have any idea in multiwan environment this upgrade will go smoothly ?
I would like to update but I am scared if something screw up how I am going to fix it.
Can you help ? -
@makq , Hi, only singlewan environment for me. Start a new post in the forums and ask for others experiences with multiwan upgrade to 2.7.0.
@Aseknet Thank you