BGP routing question
I have two diffrent fiber providers at two diffrent buildings linked with a 1G wireless bridge. Each PFSense router connected to the fiber has its own /24 to advertise. With iBGP setup between the two can I force FRR to distribute the /24 from each router? I want each subnet to primary use the fiber its directly connected to primarily. Based on my reading weight and as-path prepend are the best way to increase the path cost so more traffic will route thru each subnets primary fiber?
I appreciate any thoughts on my direction, if I'm way off base here I would love a course correct!
@SBTech eBGP to iBGP advertisement is handled automatically so your peer 1 would receive the routes that peer 2 is receiving from its eBGP peer.
As far as a preference on outgoing flows, typically local-pref handles that. Weight can be used as well but its not communicated to other peers. So if you set weight at location 1, location 2 could still prefer its outgoing link so its best to use local-pref so that can be communicated within your AS.