OpenVPN Traffic not blocked anymore on default setting
Hi there ,
i'm fascinated about a curious problem.
Configured OpenVPN server with local Ip and a WAN address. Currently PFSense 2.6, ipv6 disabled
Configured a OpenVPN Client with site2site VPN Settings and Certificates connecting to OpenVPN server. Lan Address Currently PFSense 2.7 ipv6 disabled
Client PFSense is connected , no Rules on OpenVPN Interface (should then block everthing as in the PfSense releases before ) and the LAN Client ( eg. ) can ping every host in the net.
If i set a blocking rule on OpenVPN Interface with IPv4/IPV6 any / any blocked the traffic is still going through the interface.Why is this working now ?
( little bit confused )
Regards Wolfgang
Rules have to be defined on the incoming interface in pfSense.Traffic from a client side LAN device enters the LAN interface, goes out on the OpenVPN and enters the VPN interface at the server side.
So you can either block it on the clients LAN or on the server VPN interface.