OpenVPN doesn’t connect over external WiFi
I had the OpenVPN service set up on my pfsense 2.7. I used to connect to my home network via both 5G and external WiFi. I'm not sure what changed, but now I can only connect through 5G and not over WiFi. Have there been any recent updates or changes?
idk about any uptade but you can share your error screen shot
There is no error as such. I am able to connect on 5G, but not through external WiFi in a coffee shop.
If you're on someone else's WiFi, you have to consider their firewall. For example, my local community centre WiFi only allows browsers. You can't even use an email client.
I can connect to other VPNs on other WiFis. When I tried connecting my OpenVPN on my friend's WiFi; he has no firewall, it didn't work.
@ujjwalkp i mean you can share openvpn gui screenshot(if you use).
do you use pfblockerng?
The only other thing I can think of is the local subnets at each end. Is your problem the VPN doesn't connect? Or it connects but you can't do anything? The 2nd would indicate a subnet conflict.
My VPN doesn’t connect at all.
I don’t use pfblockerng