503 Service Unavailable. No server is available to handle this request. HAproxy, pFsense and OpenMeetings.
I have solved this problem, but I wanted to share the solution in case one of you other poor souls starts to go through the pain that I experienced while trying to solve this one!
I was setting up an Apache OpenMeetings server, with the intention of using HAProxy to deal with the certificates. I already have HAProxy configured on the box for HTTPS service to multiple web servers that I run from my site. This works very well and you can access these servers correctly as an internal user through DNS entries that point to a virtual IP address.
The OpenMeetings server needs a different port (5443), so I created a new back end and a new front end for the HAProxy service. Similar to the above service, but pointing to port 5443. I also went through the process of creating new firewall rules and DNS entries for the local computers. I fired up the OpenMeetings server, typed "https://xxxx.xxxx.xxxx:5443/openmeetings" and up comes the message, "503 Service Unavailable. No server is available to handle this request." Previously, I had confirmed OpenMeetings was working by connecting directly to server's local IP address.
Did all the traditional things, checked logs, redid the HAProxy configuration (twice) (and firewall rules), walked around the block and then rechecked the settings for typos, checked the network and went for a 3km walk with the dog.
In the end, I tried the one thing that is not set in the other HAProxy front end and that is to set the Default Backend to the only backend listed in the front end settings. Lo and behold the rotten thing started working. The setting is in Services/HAProxy/Frontend/Edit/Default backend, access control lists and actions/Default Backend. There it is! I hope that this saves someone else from baldness caused by tearing out their hair!