2FA / Radius/ Challenge-Response without "State"
I have a FreeRadius3 which is doing Auth with 2FA with PrivacyIdea.
Testing with radclient is working fine:- Access-Request with Username/Password
Access-Challenge (11) came back from FreeRadius after 1st contact to UserDirectory (including "state") - Access-Request with "state" and Username and OTP
Access-Accept from FreeRadius...
Now I'm using pfsense with OpenVPN, which is working for Users without deployed Token, via the same FreeRadius.
But the 2nd AcessRequest (which is now send by pfSense) is without the radius attribute "state" (which came with the Challenge Response by the FreeRadius).
So without matching "state" the Freeradius is rejecting the request (of course).Any hints?
Thanks! - Access-Request with Username/Password
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