IL_rep [ Israel ]?
At the UI path of pfBlockerNG > IP > IPv4 > edit of a table object > the section of "IPv4 Source Definitions":
Format = GeoIP
State = OnIn the "Source" field there is an object called "IL_rep [ Israel ]", what does it mean? (the "rep" part)
(there is also an object of "IL [ Israel ]", which is I guess the base Israel list)Thanks.
Finally, we also include a represented_country key for some records. This is used when the IP address belongs to something like a military base. The represented_country is the country that the base represents. This can be useful for managing content licensing, among other uses.
I think it can also represent things like embassies, so really any IP that is representative of that "country" but outside the normal IPs for that country..
@johnpoz Thanks you very much!
It will be nice if this info will be written in the text next to the relevant fields and in a public post, to expose this data to users.