Inverted search: Services>Suricata>Alerts>Alert Log View Filter
Is there a way to use an inverted search with the Alert Log View Filter? I have for instance a lot of "Active Threat Intelligence Poor Reputation IP group #" among other warnings. I want to omit them from my search results. Any suggestions?
The filter expressions should be evaluated as regular expression (regex). The use of that syntax would let you accomplish your goal. I believe you are wanting to filter on the Description field.
Regex is the bane of my existence! I never have been successful commiting much of its syntax to memory, and everytime I need to do anything with regex I must head off to Google for examples.
@bmeeks Thank you. Excellent suggestions. My head was too much in a GUI mode. Never would have thought of a regexe. I'll stretch my Google-Fu and see if I can come up with a nice one-liner. Cheers.