Snort is available to download now.
This has QUIC support :)
Anyone running this version on PfSense yet?
Pretty sure Snort 3 wont run on pfSense and there wont be a build for it in the future unless someone wants to take up the mantle and code one.
Snort 2.X wont be around much longer and once that is deprecated all that is left is Suricata. All this is per the current maintainer for Snort and Suricata on pfsense. -
once my skill set improves maybe I can help. I bet it will still be here. Both Squid and Snort after a future future update. Maybe sometime in 2025. Why are they killing them off? For me with Snort any update past .11 for me does not function correctly. I am glad I purchased the official Netgate appliance because I use ZFS boot environments all the time now. It has become a quick go to more and more when updates fail. If you are like me run a boot environment before every package update and upgrade. Suricata does not work currently with the core dumps.
If someone from another large company like Google or Cisco is purposely messing up code and packages in the future. That's illegal in the business world they will also get caught red handed.
@JonathanLee I believe Bill posted he couldn't get it to work when upgrading from the existing Snort? I don't have a post directly saying that handy but I do have this one: -
@SteveITS I posted my AppID text file in there it works for everything.
@michmoor I bet Bill will do it once he wants a good puzzle. Maybe if we donate $50.00...