Cant seem to whitelist a news site via roku
New to pfblockerng. We have a tv running ROKU. On the tv we have an app called "Global" which shows all kinds of different shows/programs. When we try to access the News channels it is blocked but we seem to get the other programming like Survivor. If we turn off dnsbl the news channel works. I tried adding and in the dnsbl whitelist, saving and then reloading the dnsbl but it still doesn't work.
How do I see what is being blocked filtered by ip?
How do I get this to be allowed and/or see what else is being blocked?
Thanks -
@mrchip pfBlocker has a dnsbl log on its log tab.
If you would like you can have your Roku bypass filtering. In PF blocker go to the DNSBL category, toward the bottom you will find python group policy. Checkmark it and right below a python group policy bar will appear. Click the positive sign to open it up and add the IP of your Roku. Go to the bottom hit save and then update PF Blocker.