Multiple Users OpenVPN
When I initially setup this Netgate 6100, since it was remote I setup the initial account so I was able to remote in and perform some administration duties. I have now been asked to add 6 staff so they are able to connect to a mapped drive through VPN. With my admin setup I have access to all the vlan subnets but I don't these users having such broad access. Now I have created some additional users but when I do into Client Export, no users are present. Under the OpenVPN client section I actually only see Authentication Only (No Cert) and Certificate Name (none). My remote account itself does work but not sure what screwed up or if I can set up a completely different setup for these staff accounts. OpenVPN is completely new to me. Thank you
Yes, I would set up an additional server for them.
You have to create a new CA first, then generate the server certificate and the users certs with it. -
@viragomann Oh I understand, thank you so much. Will it affect my current setup at all, as I am roughly 2K miles from them so don't want to screw up my access. Appreciate you taking the time to respond.
Thank you.
No. Set up the second server on a different port. So there would not be an impact on the existing server. -
@viragomann Thank you again, would the best method be simply using the wizard?
Yes, normally the wizard should also create the CA and server cert. -
@viragomann So awesome, I did it. It automatically added the next port during the procedure and all worked, there was quite a delay when making the new CA, actually lost the window but a quick refresh restored the view and onto the next steps. Really appreciate your help, I have one question for you, under the user management in System, there appears to be sort of blank user, Username looks like an eyeball and there is nothing under Full Name or Status, I deleted it yesterday but seems to be back again. Do you know what this might be?
The eye normally indicates a system user. However, never seen a user without a username.
Maybe it's the admin? Can imagine that you cannot delete this one.Why creating new users for the new OpenVPN server, ensure to generate user certs from the correct CA.
@viragomann I did select the correct CA for the user Certs, thanks for the reminder. Yes I actually was able to delete that user.
My next step is update from 22.05 to 23.01 but holding off since I don't know if it would be successful and have no one on their end to help. Thanks again.