Strenge behavior on openvpn tunnel
My box is Pfsense Version 2.6.0-RELEASE (amd64)
built on Mon Jan 31 19:57:53 UTC 2022
FreeBSD 12.3-STABLEToday, after 170 days online, we added a second Ethernet card, prompting us to temporarily shut down the system. Approximately one hour later, we received reports that certain destinations were unreachable. To cut a long story short, one of the tunnels added the following route to the route table: UGS 11 1500 ovpns3
This addition practically made it impossible to access numerous sites on the internet. This tunnel lacks any special configuration; it only includes the essential settings for basic functionality with no custom options.
Could there be a configuration that I am overlooking that would result in the addition of this route? It's important to note that I have not manually added this rule or route. Disabling the OpenVPN server causes the route to disappear.
For testing purposes, I'll keep the tunnel disabled.
Any insights or ideas?