Log formats for dns_reply.log
I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue with DNS, but I can't decipher the logs, and I can't find any documentation on the internet (maybe my Google-fu is weaker these days).
Here is the file:
I have these lines:
DNS-reply,Feb 13 15:11:33,resolver,A,A,Unk,cloudflare-dns.com,,NXDOMAIN,unk DNS-reply,Feb 13 15:11:33,resolver,A,A,Unk,cloudflare-dns.com,,NXDOMAIN,unk DNS-reply,Feb 13 15:11:33,resolver,A,A,Unk,cloudflare-dns.com,,NXDOMAIN,unk
All I can find is information on dnsbl.log from https://forum.netgate.com/topic/141044/pfblockerng-logs/2
DNSBL type,Date Timestamp,Blocked domain,SRC IP,URL/Referer/URI/Agent String,DNSBL Block type,DNSBL Groupname,Evaluated Domain/TLD,Feedname,Duplicate event (+/-) status
The file is created, and lines are added by 'pfBlockerng'.
So the manual (== the source code ) should give you hints about how the line is created and with what info.I've found /var/unbound/pfb_unbound.py line 802 :```
csv_line = ','.join('{}'.format(v) for v in ('DNSBL-python', timestamp, q_name, q_ip, isDNSBL['p_type'], isDNSBL['b_type'], isDNSBL['group'], isDNSBL['b_eval'], isDNSBL['feed'], dupEntry))
Be careful. It's Python.
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