I am trying to get solarwinds to work with TNSR. i have configured a loopback interface in a VRF. I can ping the loopback from solarwinds to confirm connectivity. i also used netcat to confirm tnsr was listening on port 161 UDP. show
interface loop1
vrf nbl
ip address a.b.c.68/32
access-list input acl snmp-solarwinds sequence 10
exitacl snmp-solarwinds
rule 10
description Permit Solarwinds
action permit
ip-version ipv4
source address x.y.z..0/24
destination port 161 161
protocol udp
exitsnmp host enable
snmp dataplane enable
snmp community community-name solarwinds source x.y.z.109/24 security-name tnsrsnmp
snmp community community-name solarwinds source x.y.z.110/24 security-name tnsrsnmp
snmp community community-name solarwinds source x.y.z.150/24 security-name tnsrsnmp
snmp community community-name solarwinds source x.y.z..4.0/24 security-name tnsrsnmp
snmp group group-name ROGroup security-name tnsrsnmp security-model v2c
snmp view view-name systemview view-type included oid .1
snmp access group-name ROGroup prefix exact model any level noauth read systemview write nonei am struggling to get solarwinds to add TNSR as a node.
Can anyone provide any advice?
Sean -
@scourtney2000 make sure you can ping Solarwinds server sourcing from your loop1
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