Layer2 Bridge to LAN
anyone have experience with OpenVPN Bridge? What I would like to know that if
- I setup OpenVPN Server on pfsense and "check" Bridge to LAN
- on the LAN (of pfsnese) I have a computer that is on
- Have a OpenVPN client (which is a router) connect to the pfsense server and that router would be on (ip assigned by the server I assume)
- And that I have a "device" on the router which I would think the IP of that device need to be statically programmed, such as and use router's as gateway
So with this setup, is there ANYWAY the computer at can access
My personal take would be NO, right? Or is it possible? Because (that device) does NOT have openvpn client installed, it is simply "attached" to the 169.254.1.x network via the router, thus is not broacasting to the server. So how would OpenVPN Server (or pfsense for the matter) to know that it exist, no?
The reason I ask is that someone is asking me about this setup and I just don't see how it will work...
Any input will be greatly apprecieated!
Thank you!
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