Package installer failed (openvpn-export)
I wanted to install openvpn-client-export on my PfSense firewall which is running on ProxMox. But im always getting the error message: "Another instance of pfSense-upgrade is running. Try again later".
I already tried to install it manually but i failed. Looked if i have the newest PfSense installed, (i have). I also installed the PfSense new, more then once. Nothing worked.
But i know that it should work because i got it to work once, on the same ProxMox with the same version and iso. So there should be no Problems. Does anybody know what i should do?
@Alessio-Zatta said in Package installer failed (openvpn-export):
Does anybody know what i should do?
Connect to the console, as it is a VM, SSH.
Use option 8.
Orps ax | grep 'pkg'
and look for the process that has 'pkg' in it's process name.
Note the first number on the line : the process number.
Kill it.kill 12345
(if 12345 was the process number).
Now you can (probably) install your pfSense package.
You still have to discover why the pkg upgrade check process can't connect to Netgate ....
It might even be poosjble that you still can't upgarde or install from the GUI, as it winds up using the same process ....
There are plenty of posts on the forum that handles that subject.
It could be a "You have a DNS problem" issue, or something else .... -
still cant download the pkg
should i try to install it manually?
Humm :
that you showed the image.
The process isn't called 'pkg' (sorry) - doesn't have the text 'pkg' in it, its called "pfSense-upgrade" : check if you can find a process with that name. Use top or ps ...
Kill that process.@Alessio-Zatta said in Package installer failed (openvpn-export):
should i try to install it manually?
Don't (impossible).
Your system has an issue, repair that first.
When done, you can install any package you like. -
Sorry for just responding to youre post!
I already stopped the task as i show in the image i provided. So i dont understand it. I got it to work with my coworkers once but any of us still knows how we did it. And we are working in a ICT company. Im szill a trainee so i dont understand al too much of the system at all. I think i was just lucky. But could it be that PfSense is always trying to update even tho it is alredy up to date? -
@Alessio-Zatta said in Package installer failed (openvpn-export):
But could it be that PfSense is always trying to update even tho it is alredy up to date?
It calls home every xx hours or so to be able to show you if any of these :
can be updated.
It also goes out (to netgate) to show you if a pfSEnse update exists.
It gets out to NTP servers to sync the time.
It goes out to the DNS ...
Btw : pfSense won't update nothing by itself **.
It's the admin that decides when this happens.** there is an exception : the so called bogons IP lists are downloaded every month or so.
@Alessio-Zatta said in Package installer failed (openvpn-export):
And we are working in a ICT company.
You asked for it
An ICT company and having issues with a router that behaves like any other existing router out there ?
You are aware that you can buy one of these : - or use your own device, or even a VM, power it up, hook it up, and it work ? ( look at the 'zillion' youtube video to fact check me right now ).True, its probably issue to introduce settings that inhibits the router (pfSense) itself from accessing the internet, thus not being able to show the available packages. These things happen (dono why).
@Gertjan said in Package installer failed (openvpn-export):
An ICT company and having issues with a router that behaves like any other existing router out there ?
Yea its not for the company, its for my test server at home. So its running on an old PC i got from school. I mean if it wont work it wont. Im not gonna make a drama out of it.
Either way im just using the pfsense for OpenVPn so i have a backup VPN if my Synology would crash or something. So i would be still aible to connect home.
But im gonna look if i put some IP wrong for gateway and dns.
thanks a lot
@Alessio-Zatta said in Package installer failed (openvpn-export):
So its running on an old PC
That was my initial pfSense experience !
A desktop PC has a build in NIC, so add one more and you're good.Still today, you should make use of some common knowledge : Make live easy on yourself.
So, these are "the rules" :
If the motherboard has Realtek chipset : pay it a visit in the PC's bios, and select Realtek's most useful option : set it to "Off". Disable it. You just raised the chance of having a perfect "home build router" experience by a lot.
Next rule : No, don't take that USB to NIC adapter. Don't fall into that trap.Do what needs to be done : get that one or dual Intel NIC, and slap in in your PC.
If you're above average, you check upfront that the card you buy is supported by "FreeBSD". If the card is Intel branded, you'll be good.Using these rules and pfSense is up on running in .... 5 minutes ?
Later on, you can always activate the Realtek NIC again, and see if it plays nicely. Not all of them are bad.
And again : Wile installing pfSense, you have to assign networks, as a router needs a WAN and a LAN.
You also have to create your own password.
And here it comes : if you use or see a wizard that talks about 'DNS' do not touch your keyboard. Use the mouse, if possible, and enter nothing. Just click on 'Next'.
Next has been chosen by Netgate as the perfect DNS setting.
pfSense will work out of the box.
Up can now see the available package list. and install what you want.And as "realtek", later on, you can adapt your DNS settings if you want to.
"It will break" but now you can "step back" and it works again.
After the wtf phase, the conclusions that you will make at that moment are very important.