Crash report on 24.03BETA/pfBlockerNG 3.2.0_8
I was attempting to add a group to dnsbl when a "crash" occurred. Since I am not seeing any other crash reports, maybe mine is a one off. I also figured that since I have been on this BETA for a number of days now, Netgate must be just about ready to make this a RC.[19-Mar-2024 21:24:41 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: range(): Argument #3 ($step) must be greater than 0 for increasing ranges in /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng_category_edit.php:391
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng_category_edit.php(391): range(1, 17, -1)
#1 {main}
thrown in /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng_category_edit.php on line 391*edited because it was the same error, 5 different occasions.
Opened a bug for this when I hit it as I didn't see one yet:
@stephenw10 I'm running into this too with a fresh reinstall of either pfBlockerNG or pfBlockerNG-devel without previously saved settings. Same two files and same lines numbers. Thanks!
Not too sure if you got it going or no but I was able to fix the issue by editing:
/usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng_category_edit.php looking up (1, 17, -1) and change to (1, 17, 1)
I wasn't able to edit my Ad lists unless I changed that variable.
@rtorres Thanks for this! So just edit that one file? This is what my entire lime 391 looks like:
$options_suppression_cidr = [ 'Disabled' => 'Disabled' ] + array_combine(range(1, 17, -1), range(1, 17, -1));
I tried changing both -1's to 1 and it did not make any difference - even after restating pfBlockerNG. And ideas? Thanks man!
UPDATE - I had to change both -1s to 1s in two different places in that same file. THANKS!