Acme and duckdns
Hello everyone , I used acme with the duckdns configuration and compared to the standard method it did not create any problems for me and it works regularly , without the 80 port open as I was confirmed that the method is managed by duckdns . In the procedure I only declared the dns name of the pfsense , inserted the token and it all worked .
Currently in the dynamic dns menu all names are managed by pfsense , which chiaraemte reports the same ip for everyone.
I was asking before to make mistakes, I currently have my certificate and the first fqdn I assigned to the pfsense. I have 4 other names created in duckdns that are therefore always assigned to the same ip wan (1 dynamic ip) . At the moment with haproxy the redirects with these duckdns names work to the servers of the lan that work at port 80 but managed by the primary certificate that clearly does not match at the moment whose I type a url different from the pfsense but always of the same ip . I know it would be possible to carry out the procedure I did to acme with the pfsense and duckdns. If I repeat the same procedure , then create duckdns certificate I insert the only token that issued me duckdns and type for the creation the second name .duckdns , it works or I have to do something else.