DNS resolver not working for openvpn
I have activate in the DNS resolverDHCP Registration and Static DHCP
=> So I can use a ssh with the hostname instead of the IP adress.It works in my LAN but does not works when my laptop is connect to the LAN with a OpenVPN tunnel.
(The ssh with I adress works)Any Idee what I miss to allow the DNS working in the OpenVpn networks?
@ewok2 said in DNS resolver not working for openvpn:
It works in my LAN but does not works when my laptop is connect to the LAN with a OpenVPN tunnel.
When you set up a OpenVPN tunnel network like this :
then the VPN server (pfSense) will be
An OpenVPN client will get an IP like 192.168.3.x - Take note that it is the OpenVPN server that will give the OpenVPN client an IP, and isn't DHCP server related.
Set up your OpenVPN DNS filed like this :
so now the OpenVPN knows where it can get DNS questions answered.
Nearly done now.
You have to tell the resolver that it should also listen to this network.
By default, this is the case :@ewok2 said in DNS resolver not working for openvpn:
DHCP Registration and Static DHCP
Static DHCP is great.
I strongly advise to get a static lease for all your important devices : the ones you have to connect to.
When done, do the thing that has been discussed on this forum for the last 10 years and so, using a zillion words over hundreds of forum threads : shut down :You'll thank me later ^^
Thanks for help
@Gertjan said in DNS resolver not working for openvpn:
VPN server (pfSense) will be
Where is it specify that pfsense wil get the 1rst IP ?
I also did not specify a default domain name to client...
Ok I remove also the DHCP registration box ...
I have static IP and also DHCP "fixed IP" with mac adress check.
It should be consider as static IP ;-)But I still get it not working....
Maybe is it because, even if I have a resolver that did listen on "All" network interface, I did not have a "VPNS" interface in the list? -
My OpenVpn Interface that receive the connection is WAN ...
Wait. First things first. Your talking about the pfSense OpenVPN server, right ?
@Gertjan Not sure to understand your question?
I have added in the DNS configuration the IP in the OpenVpn configuration
(and I was wondering how to know that it was 1 and not 254 or other by curiosity) -
And Yes mi OpenVPN is an app running on my Pfsense