LAGG active mode with Cisco 2960
I am trying to configure LAGG on my pfSense, but something is not working as intended..
pfSense version 2.7.2. I am in the know about the LAGG change in version 2.6, as mentioned here:
My switch is a Cisco 2960 and has LACP "active" mode configured for 1 interface (Gi17).
My pfSense has a LAGG group with LACP and 1 interface (re0).
Both pfSense and my switch seems to show some signs of LACP working, because if I turn off LACP on pfSense (set it to 'load balancing' instead, for example), my switch says "%EC-5L3DONTBNDL2: Gi1/0/17 suspended: LACP currently no enabled on the remote port". If I turn LACP on pfSense back on - the message disappears.
Same for my pfSense - if I set the LACP mode on my switch to "passive", pfSense shows this message "re0: Interface stopped DISTRIBUTING, possible flapping", as in the mentioned forum thread. Same again, if I set it back to "active" it's not flapping anymore.
The problem comes, when I try to set one of my VLANs to go though this LAGG, instead of a single trunk port - it's not getting an IP.
So my switch "port 19" is a regular trunk that goes to "re1" on pfSense. My switch "port 17" is configured with LACP and goes to "re0" physical interface on pfSense, which should be in a LAGG with LACP.
However, when I set one of my VLANs to use this LAGG - DHCP is not assigning an IP to my laptop. If I change it back to the regular trunk - it works fine.
What am I doing wrong?
@limex by the way, other LAGG methods, including Load Balancing and Round Robin also do not work, not just LACP.
I initial thought is Lagg and LACP are different. Lagg is real basic and should work fine. Lagg just expands bandwidth not speed.