pfsense openvpn setup in azure cloud
I have configured the openvpn using the wizard as per the guide.
But I am unable to connect to the vpn.
is there any step by step guide for azure installation.I have allowed the port 1194 on wan rules.
Please help
@sourish said in pfsense openvpn setup in azure cloud:
is there any step by step guide for azure installation.
Azure is documented very detailed. There is nothing special for pfSense.
Did you allow the access to WAN port 1194 from anywhere in the Azure security group?
@viragomann Yes I have added allow 1194 on the network security group inbound & outbound rule. But still getting the request timed out.
I suspect, that the reason for this is in front of pfSense.What exactly is the client logging?
If the connection attempts just timeout sniff the traffic on WAN to see if the OpenVPN packets are even arriving.
Go to Diagnostic > Packet Capture, select the WAN interface and enter "1194" at the port filter. Start the capture and try to connect then. Look if you see any related packets. -
@viragomann no packets are being captured for 1194
So you have to recheck your WAN NSG configuration in Azure.Can you even reach pfSense with a different protocol, e.g. ping? Ensure to allow it in the NSG and on pfSense.