[solved] OpenVPN with Linux-NetworkmanagerClient
I need hours to solve this problem. In the end it was simple. My Linux Clients was unable to connect OpenVPN-Server on pfsense. In pfsence i always got error Messages like this:
Jun 18 10:55:41 openvpn 27145 TLS Error: cannot locate HMAC in incoming packet from [AF_INET]77.XXX.XXX.XX7:44398
To import the client connection i used the nmcli import option on my Linux Clients. one of the Problems, but an easy to solve one, was nmcli import don't accept p12 files for the keys. So i used the keys of the Viscosity Client-Export of the pfsense export addon together with the Bundled Configurations Config file.
But, and that was the mayor problem leading to the errors metioned above, the Viscosity tls-key (ta.key) and all other files not in p12 container, have a header like this:2048 bit OpenVPN static key
This header needs to be removed for network manager. If its removed everthing works fine. And i got stable OpenVPN-Connections to pfsense.
So maybe a further version of the pfsense OpenVPN Export addon can deliver a version of the tls-key without this header to prevent others to have similar problems like me, wasting 3 or 4 hours to solve it.Thanks