Do UPnP rules not expire?
No, I just manually cleared the mapped ports from UPnP status page. I used wrong wording. -
Hmm, it's odd that it doesn't show a session time for the port forward. Does it ever show a time? If you check just after it's been opened?
Does the error in the log appear after, say, 1 hr?
Just clear all mapped ports while PS% was on, started to play Destiny:PS C:\upnpc> ./upnpc-static -l upnpc : miniupnpc library test client, version 2.2.3. (c) 2005-2022 Thomas Bernard. Go to or for more information. List of UPNP devices found on the network : desc: st: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1 Found valid IGD : Local LAN ip address : Connection Type : IP_Routed Status : Connected, uptime=76s, LastConnectionError : ERROR_NONE Time started : Mon Dec 23 18:09:32 2024 MaxBitRateDown : 1000000000 bps (1000.0 Mbps) MaxBitRateUp 300000000 bps (300.0 Mbps) ExternalIPAddress = i protocol exPort->inAddr:inPort description remoteHost leaseTime 0 UDP 3074-> 'DemonwarePortMapping' '' 0 GetGenericPortMappingEntry() returned 713 (SpecifiedArrayIndexInvalid) PS C:\upnpc>
Now I will close the game, switch off the PS5 and see what's going to happen in 1 hour.
Still shows 0 leasetime though. I'm not sure how it determines when to 'expire' it.
In fact the mapped port 3074 is still there.
There is only 1 state active not related to upnp:WAN tcp ( -> ESTABLISHED:ESTABLISHED 714 / 364 50 KiB / 32 KiB
I am not an IT expert and I really don’t have any further idea on this.
Do you still see the error in the upnp logs showing it failing to remove the forward though?
It looks like the forward is being opened without a leasetime and I'm unsure what should happen in that situation. I can create a similar lease manually by defining 0s specifically:
steve@steve-NUC9i9QNX:~$ upnpc -l upnpc : miniupnpc library test client, version 2.2.3. (c) 2005-2021 Thomas Bernard. Go to or for more information. List of UPNP devices found on the network : desc: st: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1 Found valid IGD : Local LAN ip address : Connection Type : IP_Routed Status : Connected, uptime=1291945s, LastConnectionError : ERROR_NONE Time started : Mon Dec 9 00:31:38 2024 MaxBitRateDown : 1000000000 bps (1000.0 Mbps) MaxBitRateUp 1000000000 bps (1000.0 Mbps) ExternalIPAddress = i protocol exPort->inAddr:inPort description remoteHost leaseTime 0 UDP 8889-> 'Test2' '' 0 GetGenericPortMappingEntry() returned 713 (SpecifiedArrayIndexInvalid)
I'll see what happens.
Also by omitting a lease time value.
I wonder if it should add a default and is not....
Mmm, this thread seems pretty revealing:
Seems like the behaviour you're seeing is expected is the client opens forward with no lease time.
Yes that forum thread explains the behavior. I cannot do anything except removing mapped port manually. From a security point of view the consoles have their own IP assigned so it is ok if the mapped port are there until I remove them manually. Only consoles have access to UPnP service with proper “allow” and IP, other IP are denied by default in the Service ACL.
Thanks for help and time. -
Mmm, I tried added min and max lifetime options to the conf and it made absolutely no difference I could see!