Coping of some files failes
we have 2 sites, one with a regular 100/40 DSL an another one as a VM in a datacenter. This datacanter has a sophos which opens a port to the VM for connecting to the Openvpn server at the pfsense VM. Sophos and other infra is controled by a servicecontractor, I cannot change the way it is. I established this server as discribed after Pre-shared key was deprecated. It works as expected.
Until one day we recognise some strange things. We copy files from a windows 2019 fileserver next to the datacenter-pfsense-vm to a computer at the other site as we do it a long time without problems. Most of the files between little smal ones to real big ones (1k to 12GB) were copied. 12 of them not. One example file is 12,5MB and it copies to 55%, waits a long time and then breaks up. I cannot find a failure log. paket capture shows no error to me, but a lot of Dup Ack. Meanwhile the count of files which wont work seams to growth so we have a real problem.
Another Openvpn instance at the same pfsense for the roadrunner shows not this behavior.
peer to peer
tun - layer 3
udp on IPv4 only
use tls key
tls encr. and auth
both directories
no peer rev list
ecdh only
aes-256-cbc and gcm
no hardware encr
enforce key usage
use fast i/o
2mb buffer -
so it seams that OpenVPN is not the problem. I brougth up a wireguard tunnel with the same effect. Example File stops at 55% copie. Do I use at the same pc out of the same LAN a OpenVPN connection we use for Roadrunners, than it works. I can not see the difference...