OpenVPN client not able to reach remote LAN subnets in multi-site Wireguard setup
I recently moved a setup from a single site to a multi site (3 locations in different countries).
- Location 1 LAN, Wireguard tunnel IP, OpenVPN client subnet
- Location 2 LAN, Wireguard tunnel IP, OpenVPN client subnet
- Location 3 LAN, Wireguard tunnel IP
The 3 sites are connected together with Wireguard, having location 1 as the main site and site 2 & 3 connecting to there.
The Wireguard setup works and all 3 sites can reach each other.I have OpenVPN configured in location 1 & 2, pending location 3, for remote/home users to connect.
When connected to the location 2 OpenVPN server all works from a VPN client. I can reach all 3 locations.
When connected to the location 1 OpenVPN server, which has been configure identical location 3, from a VPN client I can reach the location 1 LAN and location 2 LAN but not location 3 LAN.I think it's simply a missing route, but since location 1 is the hub I can't use the same config as in location 2 and set the OpenVPN network to point to the Wireguard gateway of location 1 ( as this is not an option. Should I instead set it to localhost or just the default WAN gateway ?