OpenVPN suddenly broken!
Hi, i has use OpenVPN as client a long time and all goes well.
pfSesne as main router and Asus router as AP mode. Yesterday for my education me tried set static route and was disable NAT on Asus router and again all goes well and traffic went over VPN. But today without any changes traffic suddenly start going over my IPS. i GOT BACK Asus router to AP mode and delete static route but traffic not going over openVPN. Here are my settings:
pfSesne is beta 24.11
@Antibiotic BTW this VPN provider have option to set socks5 on pc and if set proxy test show pc using vpn. Please assist me!
@Antibiotic Now remove everything regarding OpenVPN and adjust Wireguard from the same provider and traffic anyway not going over VPN. What the hell is going on with this BETA?