TLS Error: local/remote TLS keys are out of sync
Hi Guys, facing another issue with my last Open VPN tunnel.
try to migrate my last Open VPN Peer to Peer Shared Key to SSL/TLS.
Shared key work like a charm, when i switch to SSL/TLS i get TLS Error: local/remote TLS keys are out of sync, and tunnel keep reseting... different error this time :/
Try numeros variant of config , switching server / client from pfsense to another is not the solution this time.
I have check NTP config, both on the same NTP Source, try different set of directions, TLS authent only.
No matter what is the config, authentication work 2 seconds and then get the TLS error and reseting...This is driving me crazy, do you guys have suggestions? let me know if i can
Are both nodes up to date?Ensure that the ciphers on client and server match.
Disable compression.Ensure that the server uses a server certificate.
For further investigation, enhance the log level on both, server and client, and check the log for detailed hints.
Thank you for your answer, yes Cipher match both side, compression is disabled,
Certificate are good 'Server Certificate on server side etc...)both pfsense are in 22.05 i have plan to upgrade them at the end of week.
I did enhance log level, but i still can't get the root cause, bu i juste notice the client pfsense do not add the remote network in the route table (wich work totaly fine when i switch back to shared key) try to understand why ...
I'll answer myself :
So my understanding of why route was not add was because the tunnel was not able to completly connect, and this make sense (still a guess though...)
After upgrading client to 24.11 the tunnel succeed to connect to the server (wich is still in 22.05)Finally im not really sure what was the root, because i had many pfsense in 22.05 with SSL/TLS tunnel working fine so my guess is, it was a mix of slow link and version, and was not related to my conf.
hope this will help others