IGMP for IPTV Blocked even though allowed?
Im tearing my hair out with this one, I cannot get IPTV traffic through my pfsense to my device. When i shift the device to 5G tethering it works so I know this is a pfsense issue.
I have enabled IGMP proxy with the upstream pointed at WAN1 and the downstream pointed at LAN. There is a firewall rule under LAN for IGMP allow all as well as allow IP options checked.
I have tried resetting all the devices on my network and still no IGMP traffic gets through, although if i switch to my second WAN provider on their own Zyxel router it works straight away.
Am I missing anything here or is there something wrong with my config?
Thanks in advance!
Solved! I had missed the "allow IP" function for IPV4 traffic as well as the standalone IGMP rule. As soon as i enabled that it worked straight away!