pfBlocker still not working even in 24.11 version
It's still not working even in the latest version update.
Thank you
@chris-doldolia What isn’t working?
@SteveITS still disable DNSBL mode. Look at the image still red and X
@SteveITS Anything update for my concern Ma'am/Sir?
Remember : the dashboard doesn't give any details.
Or, maybe one :The DNSBL service is running ? :
What do you have here :
and here :
and why do you think you need all these :
the default :
is already perfect.And as always : go here :
and check (read ?!) the log files.
Anything special ? If doubts, show us. -
@Gblenn Good morning,
I did this instruction but it still did not work. The DNSBL is disabled. -
If you have enabled RAM disks for /tmp and /var (System->Advanced->Miscellaneous->RAM Disk Settings), the default sizes are small. The initial processing for DNSBLs could be running out of space causing it to abort.
@chris-doldolia said in pfBlocker still not working even in 24.11 version:
I did this instruction
Sorry, can you do it again :
This time with these :
Reload => All => Run.Copy past the Log that will show up (it's text, so copy text please).
@Gertjan I will try this again after working because I cannot perform any configuration because of the daily transactions in the branch. Thank you
Better safe then sorry.
But take from me - and check for yourself while you are doing the reload : no 'Internet' outages.
The DNS process (Unbound, the Resolver) will restart, so no DNS for a couple of seconds.Btw : this is one of the reasons I set these :
to Weekly and not every 2 hours (so a force reload will 'auto' happens every 2 hours !!), which means you ant to wait to 'later' but later on it already happened xx times.
Most, if not all IP and DNSBL feeds aren't even updated every day anyway.I also :
so one a day, after midnight or so. Not the default xx times a day.
@Gertjan Good morning Ma'am/Sir, I did what kind of configuration from here but the DNSBL is not working DISABLED and stopped in the Services Status.
@Gertjan said in pfBlocker still not working even in 24.11 version:
Copy past the Log that will show up (it's text, so copy text please).
I missed that.
In that log there can be info related to any issues. Issues you're looking for.Also - probably not related :
so delete for the moment :
and then delete the error message with :
edit :
Did you conclude that you didn't loose any Internet access while reloading ?