Openvpn and cisco-avpair - attributes check
I am using freeradius to authenticate my users on openvpn.
I use cisco-avpair to push routes and ACL.
If the radius reply is more than 4096 bytes, it is truncated (standard behaviour, not a problem).
It seems there is a problem when the reply is truncated just after the vendor id.
(last attribute in hexa is :1a 06 00 00 00 09
In this case, pfsense doesn't load any attributes.
When the reply ends withip:route =
=> no problem, the attributes are processed.
Idem if the reply ends withip:route =
(without mask).
The openvpn client complains (Options error: route parameter netmask 'vpn_gateway' must be an IP address
), but all attributes are processed.Not sure if the problem is in the parse_cisco_acl function in /etc/inc/
Has anybody already encountered this problem ?
Thank you