25.03-Beta miniupnpd in stopped state at least once a day
Not too sure what to check to see if it's crashing, but I notice that miniupnpd is in a stopped state at least once a day and I have to manually start it.
Also, for some reason I cannot post new topics in the Plus 25.03 Development Snapshots section as New Topic button is not available. Just an FYI.
Feb 8 21:27:55 kernel pid 54609 (miniupnpd), jid 0, uid 0: exited on signal 6 (core dumped)
J jimp moved this topic from Development
getting same results here
Thanks for the report - we investigating.
How do you have it configured? Anything special?
Can we assume the same configuration worked as expected in 24.11?
@stephenw10 Yes it worked in 24.11. I think the only thing unique is that I do have an ACL entry.
deny 1-65535 1-65535
If you know where the crash logs are located, I'll be happy to fetch them.
I'm using the default configuration. Service shuts down with a stack overflow and takes a few attempts just to restart.
There likely aren't any if it core dumped. You might have the core file in /root? That may or may not be useful to devs.
@stephenw10 Yes there is a core dump file here. Should I DM it to someone?
-rw------- 1 root wheel 12824576 Feb 12 20:22 miniupnpd.core
Actually it looks like we have replicated it locally so may not need it. I'll let you know, thanks!