Incoming connections to pfsense box from Facebook?
@johnpoz I think I wrote before but they say everything is fine and no issue can be detected. Had 3 technicians here already. A restart usually solves the problem for a day or sometimes longer. Since the Fritzbox was replaced as well I don't think it is the box to be honest.
What do you mean it's inbound traffic when my upload is affected?
I got pfsense also for learning more about networking not just to check the upload issue. -
@rasputinthegreatest A restart of pfSense, or of the ISP router?
@SteveITS Sorry for the late response. Of the ISP router
@rasputinthegreatest well - then how is not their router issue then.. Something behind that is even pfsense still has to go through that device..
@johnpoz I don't know. I didn't have any upload issues for 4 days at this point and nothing changed since then.