4200 odd behavior
Installed 25.03-BETA on my 4200.
Reboot, it settles, ran for days. Didn't look at the physical machine, just the dashboard which shows no updates.
I have the solid purple light on the physical machine.
I just ssh'd in, and there are no updates that way either.
I've rebooted a few times, and the purple light remains.
Weird?Current Base System25.03.b.20250204.0023
Latest Base System25.03.b.20250204.0023 -
Like it's showing an update is available?
If you run:
pfSense-upgrade -C
it will incorrectly report a new version is available even though you're already running that.That is a known issue. It's fixed internally and will be in the next public 25.03 build.
S stephenw10 moved this topic from Development
@stephenw10 No update available in the gui or cli, just the purple light on the physical device itself.
Yup, it will be fixed in the next update.