Openvpn 2.6.x dns resolve only full fqdn
Hy Everyone!
I have a wierd problem.
At openvpn client 2.5 dns names working fine when connecting with rdp.
Now i tested 2.6.x version, and looks like when i want to connect with rdp, the connection only works when i put the full fqdn, so dc not working dc.blabla.local works.
With 2.5 dc works fine without any problem. Didnt find anyi hint for this problem.
Thank you for your help!
bolvar -
@bolvar 2.5, 2.6 - what is this 2022?
Yeah fqdn is required for dns to work.. NS should never assume a host name is whatever domain the NS is in.
I would highly suggest you get current which is 2.7.2
There was a bug where unbound resolve just host and assume the domain, that was corrected long time ago.. Might of been when they release 2.6
Also .local is a horrible choice for tld - this is what mdns uses..
Pfsense is up to date 2.7.2, openvpn client is 2.6.3 what im testing now.
I know .local is not okay in this days, but its an old enviroment, i get this way, i do it for free for a school :)
The problem is with the opopvpn client 2.5 works fine 2.6.x works as i described. -
@bolvar maybe your old client - which is common added the search suffix.
You should be able to push the search suffix or domain in the options for that client on the server.
You mean 2.6.13? That is the current openvpn client.
I think right around 2.6.something is when they changed to dco interface - that might have something to do with the search suffix of the domain you hand out?
But a NS should really never answer a non fqdn qeuery.. If you don't want to use the fqdn then you client should auto add search suffixes to the query.