Bounty $200: Monitor bandwidth use on IP adresses. NOW $250
This looks like a possible solution.
Look okay? I may take this one up.
Thats more like it :)
I just testet the demo….
but I can`t see how I can get how many GB of traffic one Ip have use there? This mnd and last?
I see that it can write to a database, maybe just get the info out from there again?
Can the data be writen to an external mysql db on another server?If you could do this in one package for pfsense it would be nice.
This is something I would pay to get done ;)
This looks like a possible solution.
Except it'll put your interfaces in promiscuous mode, and since he's running VLAN's, it'll kill all his network connectivity because of the VLAN's + promisc FreeBSD bug. Won't work.
The only thing I know of that doesn't use promisc is NetFlow.
backbone: You need to look at what I suggested, as that's the only thing that's going to work for you in the foreseeable future.
I ran across this:
it's a patch to fix the problem for bge module. At the bottom of the page it linked to
"Revision 1.148 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs] , Mon Sep 18 22:18:21 2006 UTC (3 weeks, 3 days ago) by jkim
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.147: +28 -15 lines
Diff to previous 1.147Do not strip VLAN tag in promiscuous mode."
It would seem to depend on the nic's your using, your going to have to figure out which kernel module your nic uses( and see if it has been patched or is a problem.
Thanks for the pointer to that, omegadraconis. Looks like drivers are getting fixed one by one. We'll have to look at this again once 6.2 is out and we're using it.
i will pay another $50 for a package, that will help me to know how many GB of traffic every Internal IP address is using through my pfsense firewall with possibility to view statistics for a day, week, month, and also configurable local address table to exclude from calculation. i need this for my small office network and home use, there is not so much users and data to deploy NTOP and special accounting servers.
Ok, if everyone wants to verify that their nics will work with the package I mentioned earlier, I'll go ahead and get started on bandwidthd.
Ok, if everyone wants to verify that their nics will work with the package I mentioned earlier, I'll go ahead and get started on bandwidthd.
I have 2 onboard Broadcom BCM5721 cards, using the bge(4) driver?
Ok, if everyone wants to verify that their nics will work with the package I mentioned earlier, I'll go ahead and get started on bandwidthd.
i am using intel pro100 management adapters, their name in system are fxp… thank you, sullrich.
So we are a go?
sullrich: what do i need to do? i allready need statistics on traffic of each local user :)
So we are a go?
If the nics are supported so yes :)
but can this system get info for 1.jan to 2.feb ? I see that it has info for an Interval, but I need to know how many GB traffic it use last mnd and so on…. Maybe the sensor system has what i need? It is the sensor system u want to make then? as a pfsense package?
Yeah, I'll start on it in the next day or so. However, I am not sure your nics work or not, honestly. Thats why i was asking you all ..
Is there a list of drivers that have been patched to work with promisc + VLAN, or is the bge module the only one that has been fixed?
I'm just curious as i should be doing some hardware shopping, and its alot easier to just buy hardware that works, instead of waiting for drivers to be fixed.
I would say it is the opposite and that most nics should work fine.
and any updated information?
Doubtful. This thread went from promising to dead in the matter of a few days. What was almost 2K is now 250$ .. If I was Bill (which I am not) then I would be less than interested at this point for the amount of work that this entails.
Doubtful. This thread went from promising to dead in the matter of a few days. What was almost 2K is now 250$ .. If I was Bill (which I am not) then I would be less than interested at this point for the amount of work that this entails.
Wrong thread :) But this did go kind of dead all the same ;)
Doubtful. This thread went from promising to dead in the matter of a few days. What was almost 2K is now 250$ .. If I was Bill (which I am not) then I would be less than interested at this point for the amount of work that this entails.
Wrong thread :) But this did go kind of dead all the same ;)
Second time this has happened to me. Woops ;)
Wrong thread :) But this did go kind of dead all the same ;)
I was wondering why it went dead? I think we established that this would work with most NICs. I'd appreciate this functionality in pfsense. That way we'd have all the information in one logical place, instead of deploying multiply small appliances. I'd be willing to donate some cash to this effort as well… provided its still considered a possibility...