Dashboard issues
Doesn't matter how long I drag…
FF 3.5.7 or with Safari 4 at home...
How can I completely reset the dashboard? Anything I could do on console?
Tried again. Removed all widgets, saved and then added two widgets, saved again and tried to move one widget to the second column but it doesn't work :-(
This is what I have in my config that is working. I had added and removed and shuffled around widgets, but the only ones open are system info, firewall logs, and the traffic graphs.
<widgets><sequence>carp_status-container:col1:close,cpu_graphs-container:col1:close,gmirror_status-container:col1:close,havp_alerts-container:col1:close,installed_packages-container:col1:close,interface_statistics-container:col1:close,system_information-container:col1:show,ipsec-container:col2:close,log-container:col2:show,traffic_graphs-container:col2:show,load_balancer_status-container:col2:close,openvpn-container:col2:close,services_status-container:col2:close,snort_alerts-container:col2:close,captive_portal_status-container:col2:none,picture-container:col2:none,rss-container:col2:close,interfaces-container:col2:close,gateways-container:col2:close</sequence> <rssfeed>http://blog.pfsense.org</rssfeed> <rssmaxitems>10</rssmaxitems> <rsswidgetheight>300</rsswidgetheight> <rsswidgettextlength>140</rsswidgettextlength></widgets>
I'm using Firefox 3.7a1pre and pfSense 2.0-BETA1 built on Fri Jan 8 03:48:57 EST 2010 and my dashboard works fine. Refreshes, I can add/remove widgets and I can move them around with no problems.
Yeah it should be fine now. The tickets I opened have been closed out and I have also confirmed things are working again for me.
Still not working for me with Firefox and build from today!
What part isn't working?
Adding? Dragging? Or just the second column bit?
Second column bit is not working. I can add and also drag in one column…
That is what I can see in my config:
<servicestatusfilter></servicestatusfilter></widgets> -
I haven't ever been able to reproduce the second column bug. I might give it a try later with your config snippet from there.
In the meantime, try to edit your config and change one of those col1 entries to col2 and see what happens.
Hey. That seems to work. And also after that I can now move stuff in the GUI. Thanks jimp!