Wireless Setup Question
Without whipping a dead horse. I ned to setup my linksys 54g wireless router to work with my pfsense box. I rmember seeing a sticky here but can't find it. Could some one point me there?
Also my currect setup using ipcop is set so that I have to allow the mac address on the network (blue) before they can us it. Does the wireless in pfsense work the same?
Are you using the linksys as an AP? If so just disable FW, DHCP, and connect to LAN with one of the LAN ports. You don't need to use the WAN port.
Setup MAC filtering on the Linksys.
I have mac filtering on the ipcop ipcop box now. Is there a way to do this in pfense
No, There is a hack though - http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,6974.0.html
You're better off using the linksys to do your MAC filtering. -
I don't want to hijack this thread, but this sounds like what I need too. Are you saying if I want wireless on my pfsense box (So users can connect with wifi and not ethernet) I just need to disable DHCP and make my wifi router an AP and connect it that way?
You modify an existing Wireless Router to act like an Access point.
Disable DHCP and the FW. Connect to your network with the LAN port, don't use the WAN port. -
Agreed, tommy.
FYI- this is covered in the Doc Wiki also: